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30 days. 30 words. 30 stones

#COVODMemoary by Jean Wolf

A line from a church hymn comes to mind as I look ahead to the next 30 days: here I raise my Ebeneezer, hither by thy help I’ve come. In Hebrew, Ebeneezer means ‘stone of help’ with the Biblical reference in the first book of Samuel. I have always liked this as a reminder, that thus far I/ we have come. For each day for the month of April, I will write a word or phrase that comes to mind that day. These will be the reminders for the present and the future.

30 stones. 30 words.

And now 30 stones. 30 words. Done. Time to move on but not forget.
(I plan to place these in my front yard.)

Written by Macomb resident, Jean Wolf on April 1, 2020, and submitted to the museum’s #COVIDMemory project on April 30, 2020.